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Articles by Nikolai Yotov

Tudor Chiuariu: “telegiustizia” e stato di diritto in Romania

23/03/2011 -  Nikolai Yotov Bucarest

Tudor Chiuariu, ex ministro della Giustizia e ora portavoce del Partito Nazionale Liberale, è oggi uno dei maggiori critici della gestione del sistema giudiziario da parte dell'attuale esecutivo. OBC l'ha intervistato sui temi caldi della giustizia in Romania

Pârvulescu: Romanian President Băsescu is a ‘turbulence factor’ in times of crisis

07/12/2010 -  Nikolai Yotov Bucharest

According to the well known analyst Christian Pârvulescu, the political scene in Romania is increasingly controlled by the President Traian Băsescu. A problematic situation that seems to reinforce the symptoms of the economic and social crisis tormenting Romania today. Our interview

Leonard Orban: Deconstructing Europe

29/07/2010 -  Nikolai Yotov Bucarest

Between 2007 and 2010, Leonard Orban was Romania’s first European commissioner for multilingualism. OBC met him to discuss the present state of the European project and the challenges ahead: migrations, prejudices, enlargement and identity

Romania: will the 'mamaliga' explode?

06/05/2010 -  Nikolai Yotov Bucharest

Romania continues to be one of the poorest countries in the EU. The international crisis causes a rapid worsening of conditions. The Romanian political elite concentrate, above all, on more centralisation of power. A weak civil society desperately struggles to be heard

Dalla teoria alla pratica

08/04/2010 -  Nikolai Yotov Bucarest

Corruzione e scarsa trasparenza nei processi decisionali, leggi mai applicate, una società civile poco consapevole: è questa la realtà quotidiana della Romania a 20 anni di distanza dalla Rivoluzione del 1989. Un’intervista a Victor Alistar, Direttore di Transparency International Romania

A bridge apart?

23/02/2010 -  Nikolai Yotov Bucharest

Despite their joint access to the EU in 2007, Bulgarians and Romanians continue to live with outdated stereotypes. Political, economic, social, informational exchange between Bucharest and Sofia remains not simply unsatisfactory, but practically absent

Romania: elections, crisis, democracy. About to get worse?

16/11/2009 -  Nikolai Yotov Bucharest

Romania's economic crisis and the upcoming presidential elections. We discuss these major themes in an interview with Mircea Kivu, one of Romania's most prominent expert on political and social issues

Will Romania and the next EC get along?

08/10/2009 -  Nikolai Yotov Bucharest

Radu Carp is a Public Law and Political Science professor, vice-dean of the University of Bucharest's Political Science Department, a respected lecturer, and the author of several important studies. Osservatorio spoke with him about Romania's relations with the European Commission

De - Ideologisation

11/06/2009 -  Nikolai Yotov Bucharest

Osservatorio met Cristian Tudor Popescu, a well-known Romanian journalist and political analyst, to talk about the media, freedom of expression and the forthcoming presidential elections